Announcing our special guest Lucy English

In an exciting update to our Story Sunday ‘Tales of Our City’ event on October 20th we’re thrilled to announce that we – and you – will be joined for the evening by Bristol’s favourite writer and spoken word poet Lucy English.
We’re sure that you have either met Lucy or know her work; from her acclaimed novels Selfish People and Our Dancing Days to her recent achievements in poetry, digital writing and film. Lucy recenty organised the brand new Lyra Poetry Festival in Bristol and you may also know her as a tutor on the Bath Spa MA in Creative Writing.
Lucy will give a short performance as part of the Tales of Our City evening alongside a selection of other local writers who have submitted for the event.
Speaking of which, to have a chance of joining Lucy on the Southbank stage, you still have penty of time to SEND US YOUR STORIES!
Of course non-writers are also welcome to an evening of diverse and diverting performances from our talented local writing pool, all in the laid-back atmosphere of Southbank Club in Bedminster.
Tickets £5 in advance from Bristol Ticket Shop, or £6 on the door.