About Us
Who we are
Formerly known as Writers Unchained, we are an established group of writers in Bristol. As well as supporting each other and the local writing community, we organise occasional storytelling events and pop up at book fairs and other gatherings. Our members have had lots of publishing success – find out more at our bookshop.
As a group we aim to:
- support each other in our individual writing ambitions,
- promote our work through joint activities
- provide writing, performing and learning opportunities to all sections of the community
Please note:
Our core critique group is open only to women and is currently at capacity. Contact us if you would like to be added to our waiting list.
Our wider community is open to all adults. You can sign up to our mailing list here.

Like to be involved?
Join us for Story Sunday
Since 2016 we’ve been running Story Sunday, an occasional spoken word event to which writers are invited to contribute short stories or flash fiction. These take place at Southbank Club, Bedminster. Check our blog for upcoming events if you’d like to contribute – or just come along and listen. Contributors have free entry. Audience ticket prices are kept as low as possible.

Talk books with us
If you’re a member of any group interested in books or reading, we’re all happy to come and talk (individually or together) about our writing, our research, or the different ways we’ve achieved publication.
Last year our members spoke to many WI groups, in libraries, at special interest groups and in lots of literary festivals. Use our contact page to make a request.
Learn with us
We have experience of leading discussions and providing workshops and writing clinics. From planning your novel to getting it published, from writing short stories to performing them in public, we can help. If you’re a provider of community learning or compiling a festival programme, please get in touch.

Read our books
If you spot us at a local book fair, come and say hello. Otherwise take a look at our bookshop page where you’ll find historical, literary, speculative and fantasy fiction.
Don’t want to buy?
Most of our books can be borrowed from those wonderful things called libraries!
Keep in touch!
Sign up here for our occasional email updates or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.
To make a booking or ask about membership of our group, please email us using
info at justwrite dot org dot uk