The Rest of the Bristol Litfest

Although we’re focused on The Twilight Zone, our members are making best use they can of the rest of our lovely Bristol Litfest. Here are a few events we’re involved in or can recommend.

Friday 21st, 7 pm
The Flash Slam at 51 Stokes Croft

Five local writing groups ‘compete’ to come up with the best flash fiction (up to 200 words) on the night. Last year’s event was a riot (almost!) This year Gail, Jean and Jo with friends Louise Gethin and Gavin Watkins will represent us as Writers Unhinged. Come and support us – or any of the rest!

Saturday Oct 22nd, 3 – 4pm
Ancient Egyptian Storytelling at Bristol Museum and Art Gallery

Four local authors, including our own Jean,  will read original stories inspired by the myths and mysteries of Ancient Egypt. Should be atmospheric!  No tickets, just turn up.

scwritersSaturday 22nd, 7 – 11 pm
Talking Tales, Left Bank, 128 Cheltenham Road

A first outing at this event for Ali Bacon. Natalie Melling who read at  Midsummer Madness is also reading.  Come along to calm them down and cheer them on. Live music as well as prose and poetry! Presented by Stokes Croft Writers

On Sunday it’s The Twilight Zone!

Yes, it’s us, As if you didn’t know. Southbank Club Bedminster from 6 – 8 pm. Tickets £5 on the door.

Thursday Oct 27th, 2 – 4.30pm
Making History Workshop

Royal West of England Academy: Tickets: £20  

A workshop aimed at those interested in historical writing – that’s at least two of us! With Mike Manson and Lucienne Boyce. Looking forward to it 🙂

Finally, for those for whom the Twilight Zone will never be enough, this one’s unmissable!

Saturday 29th October,  2pm to 3.15pm
Science and Science Fiction: Versions of the Future, Mercure Brigstow, Welsh Back, BS1 4SP . Tickets £5.

Science Fiction writers and Scientists bring you near-future stories designed to provoke lively debate

Of course this is a pitifully small selection of everything going on in Bristol in the next few weeks.

Make sure you check out for all the other goodies – and do it quickly, some are selling out!





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