Story Sunday, June 9th. Unreality bites!
After a short intermission, our next Story Sunday is announced with a theme of UNREAL, our first venture into fantasy, altered reality, speculative fiction or the surreal.
As ever we’ll choose around ten of you – and us – to read on the night. We love to be shocked, stunned, terrified, amused or just plain bowled over by your writing talent. Any interpretation or genre is acceptable as long as there’s a bit of unreality in there somewhere!
We’ll be open for your submissions from April 22nd until midnight May 26th
Please only submit if you can read on Sunday June 9th 2019 between 7 and 9 pm at Southbank Club, Dean Lane, Bedminster, Bristol BS3 1DB.
Check our submissions page for our simple rules.
The rest is the same as before, even the audience entry fee of only £5 cash on the door.
Get thinking, get writing – and we’ll see you there!