2016 is not over yet: all the news from Writers Unchained
While we’re on a break from our Story Sunday programme, there’s been plenty going on. We’ve had a guest night, the launch of a new enterprise and soon you’ll have the chance to pick up some pre-Christmas bargains. A fitting end to a pretty eventful year.
Guest night
From time to time we replace our fortnightly feedback meetings with a visit from a local writer and at our last-but-one meeting of the year we were delighted to welcome Bristol author and journalist Sanjida Kay who gave us a fascinating insight into how her own needs and preferences as a writer have been shaped by the demands of the market.
At an almost full house, she read to us from her ‘domestic noir’ debut Bone by Bone and we were lucky enough to have a sneak preview of her next book in this increasingly popular genre. Sanjida has already had a successful career in literary fiction and brought along a great selection of her titles for us to browse. Most of us bore away more than one goodie for future consumption.
Thanks Sanjida for sharing your work and reminding us of the rewards and some of the harsh realities of this thing called getting published.
Prizes (we hope!)
Meanwhile we have success of our own to report with Jean Burnett’s new detective novel shortlisted here . Well done, Jean and good luck for making the prize list!
Writing Services
On another front, Sally Hare (last seen in our Midsummer Madness show) has relaunched her business as freelance writer, editor, proofreader, facilitator and coach.
Sally has an M.A. in Creative Writing from Bath Spa University and all of us can vouch for her eagle eye and critical acumen.
If you’d like to know more about The WordShoveller you can contact her via her website or on Facebook.
Come and Buy!
This Christmas we are making our first appearance at the Made In Bristol Gift Fair which runs over several weekends at the Colston Hall.
If you want to catch us and our books, we’ll be there on Sunday December 11th, 10am – 4 pm with an array of genre and literary fiction for you to peruse and take home to stuff in those stockings.
If you’d like a sneak preview, some (but not all) of what we’ll have on offer is over on our Bookshop page. There will certainly be some pre-Christmas bargains to be had on the day.
Come along to say hello and support your local writers.

Then have a very happy Christmas and New Year.
See you in 2017!