The Twilight Zone – Captain’s Log

Stardate: October 24th ….

Out of this world – or just plain blinding.

You’ll have to excuse the cliches while we say a massive thanks to everyone who made last night’s Twilight Zone an absolutely stunning experience. Most of all to our amazing writers who each brought a unique and contribution to the SF/spec-fic genre every one of which was totally unforgettable.

So let’s hear it for these brave and talented souls who took the floor (with apologies for the odd solar flare!)


Kevlin Henney 'Ashes to Ashes, Manana, Manana'
Kevlin Henney ‘Ashes to Ashes, Manana, Manana’
Julie Hayman ‘A new Cosmic Order After the Apocalypse’








Jonty Levine 'The Map of Chad'
Jonty Levine ‘The Map of Chad’


Mark Lewis ‘Candy Man’










Anne Corlett, 'Last Tango in Space'
Anne Corlett, ‘Last Tango in Space’ (and first glass of wine back on earth!)


Alex Bridge 'Questionable Benefit'
Alex Bridge ‘Questionable Benefit’
Barney Barrett 'Down the Plughole'
Barney Barrett ‘Down the Plughole’
D. S. Ketelby 'The Birth of Birds'
D. S. Ketelby ‘Giving Birth to Birds’









Phlip Douch, ‘Trog and Kron attempt to Refuel’









Kevlin reading John's 'Youre Very Beautiful'
Kevlin reading John Holland’s ‘Youre Very Beautiful’


Our commiserations to John Holland who couldn’t make it on the night but whose story ‘You’re Very Beautiful’ was read by Kevlin with such mesmerising intensity it looks to me as if John’s shadow (or maybe his alien alter ego) was with us in the room.

Thanks as ever to Southbank Club who provided the ideal venue and to Sally for bringing along the portable atmosphere!



This was our fourth story Sunday since last we began on a misty night last November, so a good time to thank everyone who has read for us this year.

We are off to give ourselves a pat on the back and decide when and what our next event will be. Thanks to last night, I think there are a few more sci-fi fans in this neck of the woods.

Apocalypse? Miaow!

Logging out.

And thanks again for all the birds, robots, eggs and (recurrent theme) very startled cats.


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