Then there were 10: our line-up for next Sunday
Thanks to all the wonderful people who have talked, tweeted or written about us (not to mention all those who sent something in) we are delighted to announce our line-up for Sunday 21st which looks like being as spinetingling (in a slightly different way) as our November event.
Our readers will be (not necessarily in this order):
Emily Koch (Bristol)
Writer & journalist, newly in possession of a masters degree – and, hurrah! – an agent
John Holland (Stroud)
Short fiction writer, events organiser and, we hear, obsessive …
Patrick Widdess (Newport)
Writer, poet, photographer & journalist (who likes where he lives)
Mark Rutterford (Bristol)
Stokes Croft Writer and performer (expect more than words)
Debbie Young (Hawkesbury Upton)
writer, broadcaster, festival organiser, champion of the independents
Dan Gooding (South Glos)
Library guy, student, TV and film extra. You wanted to hear him in Stroud? You can now.
Louise Gethin (Writers Unchained)
writes Anecdotes of Love and Death (especially death)
Shirley Wright (Writers Unchained)
prize-winning poet, novelist, choco-and cato-holic
Sally Hare (Writers Unchained)
plotter of allotments, teller of stories, banger of drums,
Ali Bacon (Writers Unchained)
updates websites (yes this one), brings people together, occasionally writes
Come along and see what they’ve come up with for our #lovehangover theme.