News! Unchained to be unleashed at library launch

We are thrilled to announce that preparations for the launch of Unchained have been finalised and even more delighted to reveal it will take place in the gorgeous surroundings of Bristol Reference Library. Less than two weeks to go and the excitement at BWW Towers is mounting!

Join us for the launch


If anyone out there hasn’t heard the details, the launch event is part of the Bristol Festival of Literature (lots of other great stuff going on there) and will be at 7.30 on October 23rd. Every local writer or even reader we know should have had an invitation by now, but if you have somehow been missed, do leave a comment and we’ll get one to you.

Or download our Press Release (.pdf file 220KB approx)

unchained coverOf course we hope the joy will not be confined to Bristol. This is  celebration of all libraries, everywhere and other things besides. If you can’t join us on the night, the book is in bookshops now and available to order online. Don’t forget the proceeds are going to a great cause, the National Literacy Trust.

There’s still a lot to do before the Big Day, but now we have the book in our hot little hands.  Worth a small celebration!

Bristol Women Writers

By the way, this post will be stuck fast to the top of this page for the time being – but don’t forget to have a look at the new posts which will still be coming up underneath.

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  1. Hi, I would love to read this book but it’s not available for Kindle. Why is that? I sort of expect all new books to be made available for Kindle and yet some of them aren’t.

    1. Hi Mira
      Thanks for your interest.
      There will be an e-book of Unchained coming out but I don’t know the exact date. I’ll definitely post here when it’s available. Ali B

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