Coming soon – another round of Story Sunday
Things are in the pipeline, things are shaping up!!
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If you’re not already on our mailing list and want to keep up, please use our contact form and we’ll get back to you.
So with submissions open for Tales of Our City, here’s a blog post from Ali Bacon who has been looking for some visual inspiration. The tag line ‘no more suspension bridges…’ is taken from a project which began a year ago when Bristol photographer Colin Moody and community arts group the People’s Republic of Stokes…
Phew, we made it! As ever is was tres difficile to decide which stories to feature in our Story Sunday line-up but we got there in the end. We’re looking forward to some fabulous writing and reading so all we need now is you to come along and give them as big an audience as we…
We’re back! Yes like most other people we’ve been quiet for a while, but we have been busy too. We’ve watered our gardens, we’ve baked our bread and zoomed from time to time but we’ve also changed things and done things, so welcome to our new name and web presence. No special reason, just time…
After a short intermission, our next Story Sunday is announced with a theme of UNREAL, our first venture into fantasy, altered reality, speculative fiction or the surreal. As ever we’ll choose around ten of you – and us – to read on the night. We love to be shocked, stunned, terrified, amused or just plain…
The programme is nearly done for our next event on Sunday March 19th when ten local writers will read their interpretations of our chosen theme ‘Another Country’ The venue is Southbank Club, Dean Lane, Bedminster, Bristol BS3 1DB 7-9 pm Entry £5 on the door. We’re delighted our line-up is confirmed. Come along and hear new work from old friends and familiar…
We’re delighted to announce our next Story Sunday will be on October 20th and in conjunction with the marvellous Bristol Festival of Literature we’ll be celebrating Bristol and its environs with the theme of Tales of Our City. We’re putting together some new ideas for this special evening but as usual we’ll be inviting fellow writers to contribute their…