Bristol Litfest is here again. Book bazaar and our first ever flash slam

We’re delighted that a bunch of us got to the Book Bazaar in the Green Lab on Saturday and Sunday to have some good fun and share the wise words with local authors and publishers.
Here’s old friend Nina who came from Wales to join us and you can check our Facebook page for a few more photos of us and our wares. I was sorry not to be there myself but good to know we had a presence and made some useful new contacts.

We’re also delighted to be taking part this Friday in the Flash Slam at Crofter’s Rights with Nikesh Shukla in the chair.
Five teams, four rounds – sounds like a blast!
More Litfest events are here.
And don’t forget. If you have a spine-tingling story in your pocket and want to submit it for our Spine-tinglers event, the deadline is looming. Send it by Wednesday 10 pm please!