What’s new

Elevating a pitch

Today we’re delighted to welcome our newest member, Jo Reed, who has some great experience to share on the dreaded elevator pitch.  At some time, every novelist comes up against the infamous ‘elevator pitch’. For those who haven’t encountered it yet, here’s the idea – you get into an elevator (that’s a lift to us…

Behind the scenes at the book launch – sickness, psychics and, finally, stardom

from Jenni O’Connor What an evening. What a week. What a year. As anyone who has been following this blog will know, the road to publication of Unchained was long and fairly tortuous, but – happily – culminated in a fantastic, packed-out launch event which made it all worthwhile. But behind the scenes, many of…

From writing group to publishing team – we did it!

Ali Bacon looks back on the Unchained project which comes to fruition with tomorrow’s book launch.  Writers are solitary beings and even when we venture out to meet other writers, we keep our basic egocentricity – how best to tell our unique and individual stories, how to develop a voice, what will work for our particular…

News! Unchained to be unleashed at library launch

We are thrilled to announce that preparations for the launch of Unchained have been finalised and even more delighted to reveal it will take place in the gorgeous surroundings of Bristol Reference Library. Less than two weeks to go and the excitement at BWW Towers is mounting! Join us for the launch If anyone out there hasn’t heard…

Children and writing don’t mix – or do they?

Jenni O’Connor, novelist, haiku poet, journalist and copywriter,  is also mother to Zoe, aged four. Here she muses on the unlikely fusion between writing and parenting. “Children and writing don’t mix.” So said one famous male writer, whose name escapes me, presumably as he hastened to the haven of his oak-panelled study, slamming the door to shut…