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Panning for gold. Gail Swann is resting (not rusting).

Gail Swann writes: Finding myself in a period of writerly pause, or to put it more succinctly, ‘stymied by having too many beginnings’, I have been filling my head with the work of others. I’ve been lucky enough to enjoy a run of cracking good reads (thanks to Nina Milton for book reviews at http://kitchentablewriters.blogspot.co.uk/p/the-kitchen-table-reading-club.html), I’ve…

Short story collection: Remember me to the Bees by Judy Darley

Ali Bacon reviews a new short story collection I sometimes think short story collections are like boxes of chocolates.  I always enjoy the first couple but I’m quickly sated and often end up by not getting to the end  (well okay that rarely happens with chocolates, but you get the picture!)  I think it’s particularly true…

Bury me in a Book

Jean Burnett wonders if she can survive the onslaught of technology. “But how can I live here without my books?” Wrote Balthazar Bonifacius Rhodiginus in 1656. ” I really seem to myself crippled and only half myself.” Any book lover will empathize with poor Balthazar. I vividly recall my feelings of woe when my home…